The Valve Digitalization Company

 Next generation digital cloud-based condition monitoring providing actionable insights.

24/7 Reliability monitoring and maintenance control.

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Each year countless hours are wasted in service on perfectly healthy and intact valves.


We want to eliminate the wasted labor by adding a small extra component on the valves. The CBM Predictor is easy to use and has the potential to save an immense amount of money on reduced service hours.

Solving an old problem

Traditionally, companies maintain equipment by intervening periodically, very much like taking your car to be serviced every 20.000 km. The newer cars do automatic check-ups and tell you when maintenance is needed. Built-in condition-based maintenance (CBM) tools inform drivers to take their cars to the shop when needed. The nature of the planning has become event-based instead of time-based. This brings tremendous cost savings in material and labor.

These diagnostics services, in the context of condition-based maintenance, are called Abnormal condition detection (ACD), and they are the foundation for IDEATION solutions.
Besides directly contributing towards condition-based maintenance and reducing operating costs, IDEATION’s ACD solutions are a perfect fit for any big data strategy. They give a voice to the non-communicating mechanical equipment that would otherwise be left out of these strategies, also in dangerous zones.

What differentiates IDEATION from any other supplier is not just the development of these tools, but keeping them simple and affordable to install and service.

​This is exactly what IDEATION delivers.